Monday, 8 August 2011


Well, I have started this blog for more than one reason. First of all, I have a lot of my own ideas and thoughts on life and health and I love to write them down to gain perspective. Secondly, I usually write this down in a diary, which I used to keep in my handbag. A few weeks ago I got a huge wake up call and fright when my handbag got stolen with my diary in it and with all its contents. I had horrible nightmares about some stranger (someone I didn't want) reading my intimate thoughts etc etc. Luckily my handbag and all its contents was retrieved, but I had a huge wake up call. A friend of mine came up with the idea of me writing my own blog instead of writing it down on paper and risking losing all of my work. 

A few years back I learned about the Law of Attraction and since then have been on a journey to master this law of life. This blog will be about my thoughts and feelings on Law of Attraction and how I am learning to master it. I believe that we all have the power inside of us to become what we dream of becoming, to gain what we need and to achieve our wildest dreams... all by just controlling our thoughts and keeping them positive and in tune with what our goals are. I also believe that life is not worth living if you haven't got goals and dreams. Working towards a goal, even if it is with tiny little steps or with one large leap gives us meaning in life, a reason to live and a reason to feel good about ourselves, helping others along the way is just as important and fulfilling and one of the stepping stones towards a better life. Helping our fellow human beings = helping ourselves. We are all part of the same energy after all, we are all one in the end anyway, we are all part of the pattern, we are all dance partners in the dance called life, each step we make effects the steps other's make and vise versa. 

You will see me using the word "Espavo" a lot. It literally means: "Thank you for taking your power" used as a greeting for both hello and goodbye. The word's vibrational matrix helps people reconnect to ancient memories of their true origin. I quote from one of my favorite most inspirational book that I have read "Going Deeper" by J.C Koven: "Creation, is paralleled in the espavo paradox, which states: "To truly claim one's power, one must first give it away." Like the Phoenix does every time it dies." Now that you know what it means, you will understand why I use it. ;-) 

I do not believe in religion as I believe strongly that religion is a restriction to higher knowledge and truth and I think that religion as been the cause of most wars and conflict between humans and has caused way too much hurt pain and judgement in the world. However, I also believe that any religion is true in the mind of the believer. I do not think any religion is wrong or untrue etc etc. We all believe in one thing in the end and that is that there is a higher power. :-)

Other things that you may find me writing about in my blog is about healthy living. I strongly feel that to feel good spiritually emotionally and mentally one has to look after your temple (your body). I have a strong passion for this and about living the healthiest lifestyle that I can. 

I am a dancer.... no I do not dance professionally, but I have been dancing since I was a toddler. First I was a ballerina, then a modern dancer and then I just started doing it for fun. I dance either to forget or I dance to remember, either way it is another one of my passions that I will keep close to my heart forever. I like to think that I dance through life: Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances. -Maya Angelou

I hope you enjoy what I write about and I hope I bring at least some of you inspiration and maybe even some good advice or guidance. Either way Enjoy it! <3

Peace and love 


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