Monday 16 April 2012



I thought I would share how the day was for me and how I experienced this new beginning in my life. What a roller coaster ride! I am very excited for the future!

I was an emotional wreck the first half of the day. Luckily I had my friend Caitlin with me from the moment I woke up to keep my head screwed on straight. We zoomed off to Gordon's Bay early in the morning (already a few minutes late). On our way there I got a phone call from my best friend who drove down from Natal the night before to say she was lost in Paarl - so we waited for her on the N1. Obviously all emotional stability I had left shattered when I saw her face and was able to hug her for the first time in a few years. 

We eventually all made it to the hair salon where all my bridesmaid's hair and make up was being done. I was marching up and down nervously but luckily my wonderful hairdresser sat me down at a basin and got the lady to wash my hair and give me the most amazing head massage (which I almost fell asleep to). 

From there I had to get something to eat (I had this enormous craving for nachos) and then my other best friend Richard arrived. (more emotions!)

We finally arrived at the guesthouse where we were to be wed! One of Riaan's groomsmen decided to tell me that my husband to be was passed out in one of the rooms and that they were trying to sober him up! It was a joke of course - but I didn't handle it very well - my body just collapsed underneath me. Luckily I saw Riaan's very much Sober face inside by reception area and I felt calmer. 

Up we went to the guestroom where I and my bridal party would be getting ready. My father first greeted me with a bear hug and a gift. I think the reassurance of seeing him and his great big hug was all I needed to keep going - and of course seeing my mommy (who was a super organizing star!) They all took so much pressure of my shoulders and eventually I was able to relax a bit. 

I was surrounded by all of the very special people in my life and I could not have asked for a better start to this beautiful journey we have embarked on. 

Walking down the isle was so scary but my dad held my arm tight (and later told me basically was keeping me upright) so that my legs would not (once again) give way under me. When I looked down the isle towards Riaan I immediately felt "able" again - looking into his eyes full of tears and the huge smile on his face I remembered how much I loved this man and how I can not imagine being with anyone else. This is the person who I knew from the moment we met that I would be with for the rest of my life. My dad gave me away and for a few moments everyone and everything around me disappeared except for Riaan and then our journey together as man and wife started. 

The ceremony and reception was everything that I had ever dreamed it would be and more. We had the closest people in our lives there. No strangers and nobody who we actually secretly didn't want there. Every single person who was there to join us on our special day were very special to us and it was just the way we wanted it. 

I was calm and relaxed throughout the whole celebration - and slept soundly that night in my husbands arms listening to the sound of the ocean and waking up the next morning to the smell and sound of the ocean again. It was like a blissful dream. 

We drove to Hermanus in our own time the next day. Stopping at places that interested us and taking our time. We finally reached the little cottage where we would be staying for the next few days for our honeymoon. TOTAL BLISS! Smack bang in between the mountain and the sea. Absolutely stunning!

We had been planning to fall pregnant for months and I had missed my period that I was supposed to get the day before my wedding and which had not arrived two days later. I thought it must be stress from wedding but was hoping of course that I was preggies! Riaan and I had stopped getting our hopes up 2 months ago and thought it would happen when the time was right. I woke up at 5am that morning on our second day of honeymoon to find out after doing the test that I was pregnant! (Thus explaining he emotional instability I had been experiencing as well as the cravings for nachos) :-/


I jumped on the bed where my sleeping husband was laying "scream whispering" that I was pregnant. We never went back to bed that morning. We sat and watched the sun come up while having our morning hot drink. I sent my mom, Caitlin, Leigh and Jenna and Dad a picture of the positive pregnancy test immediately and received very excited and happy calls. 

It was the best timing and the most wonderful news and gift we could have asked for! I am so excited about what life has in store for us next and for my journey as a mommy to begin! I have a little being growing inside of me right now. Its unbelievably beautiful and breathtaking. What a blessing! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. Your wedding was indeed a wonderful day, and a wonderful start to your marriage! And the heavenly gift at the end of it a priceless bonus cherry on the top. Love you so much my beautiful daughter!!
