Life (NBC TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Recently I had a conversation with someone about what the
meaning of life is – and how some of us (including me) can fall into a
depression about “what the point is” when it comes to this life.
This feeling of depression and feeling of being defeated
normally gets triggered by seeing and hearing about all these horrible things
happening in the world today – which I
normally don’t ever elaborate on because I do not want to focus any energy on
those negative things as I feel that just gives that negativity more power.
But for the purpose of what I want to get across today I am talking about the
crime we see on the news and hear on the radio and the abuse humankind is
inflicting on each other and on Mother Earth. The reality of it all hits home -
that things like this have always been happening and so probably will continue
to happen.
This makes a person wonder why? What is the point of being
here if this is what is happening. It personally makes me sick… We feel like we
are stuck here in this terrible place and then when we pass away on to wherever
we go (depending on what you believe in) does it even matter? This can make a
person very depressed and that causes other things like anxiety, anger and all
sorts of other emotions – which in turn may result in more negative actions. A
vicious cycle if you ask me…
We try and make ourselves feel better about this all and so
use things like materialism, work and in my case substance abuse. Which as you
know does not really help the situation either – and only makes it worse…
Again, a vicious cycle is happening here.
So how do we overcome this feeling of helplessness? Is there
a way of getting over it? The most asked question always comes to mind – what is
the meaning of life…
The way I have learned to overcome this feeling and to stop
myself from falling into that realm of confusion, helplessness and depression -
and from being part of the vicious cycle is this – Connectivity! - We are all connected
I think about all the people in my life who are positive and
good and who love me. This then reminds me that if I have people like this surrounding
me then there are obviously a lot more other people out there who are just like
these good and positive people I have been blessed to have in my life. So even
though there are “bad” people out there – there are a lot of “good” people out
there too. And this in turn makes me feel better about the world. We need to get out of our little box of
selfishness (ego) and remember that there are a lot of other people out there
experiencing the same things we are experiencing (in their own way) and that we
are not the only person on this earth/in this universe.
Life (Photo credit: bitzcelt) |
Look back on your life and remember all the good things you
have done and all the things you have achieved. Also look back on your mistakes
and remember how you overcame those mistakes and obstacles which helped you to
become a better person. Doing this will help you to build on what you already
have achieved so far in this lifetime. Each time you feel there is no point
look back at what you have already achieved and then also remember how these
things have made your world and in turn another person’s experience of you and
their world better.
It helps to remember that everything is connected –
everything you do will in turn affect another person and the more positive your
actions the more positive the effect will be on not only yourself or the person
you are directly connected to BUT the rest of the world too! THIS IS THE POINT!
Yes we are all tiny little specks in this big world we live
in BUT everything we do has cause and effect and so we all make a huge difference
in this world we live in.
Getting all upset and angry about feeling that there is no
point in this life and so on is selfish and it is egotistical! Even though you
might think that locking yourself up in your room sulking or smoking that joint
or walking around moping is not affecting anyone – you are wrong. There are people
in your life connected to you and everything you do AND the way you treat YOURSELF
(not only others) will affect the people in your life (even if it is just one
I know that we can’t always be happy and spirited with a
spring in our step all the time. I mean, that will just make us feel like we
are living in Teletubby town – but the point is to remember that we are all
connected and to remember that our actions are affecting others and in turn the
world. Sit with that negativity you are feeling, feel the emotions and work
through it – and then overcome it, because that is the POINT.