Wow! I haven't written a post in many many months. Lots has happened and so I feel its time to get my thoughts out there...
Change... we all experience it and we all know what it feels like. Sometimes we welcome it and sometimes we loath it. Sometimes we realize it is happening and sometimes it happens without anyone even noticing - until you stop and listen to your inner self and get out of the whole "routine" of life and then you realize how much things have changed since the last remembered point in your life.
I have experienced lots of change in last few months. My body is changing (why, I don't know but I have to accept it and embrace it) and my goals and wants in life are changing. I also am expecting change in the near future - which is good because I am able to prepare myself for it.
Beside all of that it is scary to think that no matter what you plan for your future, no matter what your goals and visions are for the future - it can all change in a blink of an eye. The only way to get past that feeling of disappointment when something does not go accordingly to plan is to keep reminding yourself that the future may not be what you are imagined it to be BUT know that no matter what happens you will be able to handle it. NO MATTER WHAT COMES YOUR WAY YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT - and in the process learn something new and probably something very valuable.
That does not however mean that you should not set goals for your future. That does not mean that you will not achieve what you have set out to do, it is just a way of thinking that you learn to implant in yourself to stop yourself from losing the enthusiasm to move forward towards your goal when you need to overcome set backs along the way.
Take for example the commitment I am making to marry the man I love in a month. Recently it has been very scary because every where I look, whether it's a TV talk show or an article I read all, there are all these negative ideas and opinions of marriage that keep on popping up. I could be taking this as a sign to not take the big step or I can take in the information and use it to my advantage to help me in my future and marriage.
No matter what your circumstances are you can always change it around for the better. All you need is positivity.